Publications of the Identity of Children in Conflict with the Law on the Official Site of the Indonesian Supreme Court Decision Directory

Duflitama Astesa, Cekli Setya Pratiwi


Protection of children's rights in conflict with the law (ABH) is a state obligation. The protection aims to ensure the best interests of the child and to prevent discrimination. As stated in Article 19 of Law Number 11 of 2012, one of the rights is that law enforcement institutions are not allowed to publish the identities of ABH, either in print/ electronic media. However, their identities are still revealed in various Decisions of children's cases. Particularly, their identity is published on the Site of the Supreme Court's Ruling Directory. The purpose of this study is to find out why the Supreme Court Decision Directory Site does not keep the identity of ABH a secret and what are the implications. This research used a socio-legal approach. The results of the study show the management team did not understand their main tasks and rules of protecting the identity of ABH, inconsistency in checking copies of court decisions, ineffective monitoring, and only a handful of people reported the case so this situation is considered normal. The implications of the children’s identity disclosure have affected the rights of children, families, and applicable rules that do not provide legal certainty.


the right of the children; publication of identity; children in conflict with the law; court decisions; juvenile criminal justice system

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We would like to express our gratitude to the Clerk of the Supreme Court Judicial Judge/ Chief Coordinator Data and Information, Mr. Asep Nursobah, S.Ag., M.H and Mr. Agus Subyantoro, S.H as a lawyer at Agus Subyantoro, S.H & Partners Law Firm who have been willing to be a resource person in this study. Our gratitude is also addressed to some parties who have provided moral support and information to the authors in preparing for this research.


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