Donny Michael Situmorang



Berangkat dari Nawa Cita ketiga yaitu “membangun Indonesia dari pinggiran dengan memperkuat daerah-daerah dan desa dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia” dan kesadaran untuk melaksanakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengakuan hak atas asal usul masyarakat desa serta melihat peta keragaman kesiapan kelembagaan desa dan fisibilitas mengenai pengelolaan dana desa, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dari data lapangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Undang-Undang No.6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa berupaya mengkoreksi kesalahan-kesalahan Negara dalam mengatur desa dan masyarakat hukum adat. Undang-Undang desa ingin mengembalikan hak asal usul yang melekat pada desa adat untuk mengurus kehidupan masyarakat hukum adat dan pengurusan wilayah masyarakat hukum adatnya (hak ulayat). Negara perlu memberikan sarana dan prasarana kepada setiap lembaga adat agar lembaga adat dalam mengelola masyarakat adat serta adat istiadatnya dapat berjalan dengan baik. Untuk itu, perlu ada payung hukum untuk menampung keistimewaan desa adat dibeberapa daerah. Selain itu juga, perlu diatur secara khusus didalam peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai penetapan anggaran khusus terhadap lembaga-lembaga adat, sehingga lambat laun keberadaan lembaga adat ini tidak akan hilang.
Kata kunci: Revitalisasi, Pemerintahan Desa, Sumatera Barat.


Based on the third Nawa Cita it is “to build Indonesia by strengthening areas and villages within the framework of The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia” and awareness to implement the Act No. 6 2014 about Village. The purpose of this research is to know the recognition of the origin of rural community rights and to look at the map of the diversity of Village institutional readiness and feasibility on the village funds management, by using the qualitative method. From the data the field we can conclude that the act of no.6 year 2014 village about trying to emend state mistakes in regulating village and community adat law.The act of village want to restore the right of the origin of attached to customary village to take care of the lives of the customary law and management of the region of law community custom (unalienated rights). The state needs to give of facilities and infrastructure to every customary institutions that create a conducive customary in managing indigenous people as well as customary to take place. For that, there should be a legal framework for accommodate village customary privileges of several regions .It is also, needs to be regulated specifically in the legislation regarding the stipulation of a special budget against customary institutions, so which gradually customary the existence of this institution will be lost.
Keywords: Revitalization, Village Administration, West Sumatra


Revitalisasi; Pemerintahan Desa; Sumatera Barat; Revitalization; Village Administration; West Sumatra

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